Welcome to the Housing Development Corporation

HDC removes illegal structures in Couva

July 17, 2019 - Today, after following due process, the Trinidad and Tobago Housing Development Corporation (HDC) removed two (2) illegal structures located in one its housing communities in Couva. This morning’s activities are part of an on-going structured programme to treat with illegal occupancy, trespassing and homeowners’ breaches, inclusive of illegal structures. As the Read the full article »

MEDIA RELEASE – HDC is still awaiting the mandatory regulatory approvals

Over 300 daily-rated pensioners and beneficiaries are in receipt of benefits in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules of the Daily-Rated Pension Plan, which was approved and registered by the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) and the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (CBTT) respectively. Subsequent to the initial approval and registration, an amendment Read the full article »

Refurbishment work to begin in Oropune Gardens

Residents of Oropune Gardens whose homes suffered damages from the floods in October 2018, will have their homes refurbished by the HDC. This assurance was given to residents as they met with contractors and other technical officials from the HDC last week. On April 12, Housing and Urban Development Minister, Major General (Ret’d) Edmund Dillon Read the full article »

A Light to the Community – Lisas Gardens gets Illuminated Play Park

A key part of our mandate is to provide associated community facilities for families who reside in the various housing communities. While it is our intent to furnish all our new communities with recreational spaces, we believe that we must also work with older communities to provide enhanced facilities which will redound to the benefit Read the full article »

HDC Executive and Technical Team Review Work at Greenvale Park, La Horquetta

Today, HDC Managing Director, Brent Lyons and a technical team, visited Greenvale Park to review some of the repair work done on units which were affected by the October 19 flood event. This visit was important because it allowed the team to see first-hand, the work done by contractors and to speak with residents (who Read the full article »

River Runs Through It Housing Development is now called Carina Gardens

Our River Runs Through It Housing Development which is located off the Arima ByPass Road, Arima, has been re-named Carina Gardens. This decision was made in recognition of Arima’s history and the significance of the First Peoples to Arima. As such, the HDC, after consultation with the Santa Rosa Carib Community, agreed to Carina Gardens. Read the full article »