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Greenvale Park and Oropune Gardens Residents to Receive Grants and Other Forms of Assistance

Greenvale Park and Oropune Gardens Residents to Receive Grants and Other Forms of Assistance

Residents of Greenvale Park and Oropune Gardens can now be comforted that relief and recovery assistance are being finalised for them through various arms of the state. Within the next few days, residents who were adversely affected and have already been assessed by the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services, will receive financial assistance in the form of either $15,000 (residents without children) or $20,000.00 (residents with children). It is expected that this figure will be able to cover the costs to replace basic household items, clothing and other mandatory items which are necessary for the recovery process.

In addition to this grant, the HDC has promised to conduct all the necessary plumbing, electrical and structural repairs that are necessary for each of the units (mortgaged, licensed and rentals) at Greenvale Park and Oropune Gardens.  These forms of assistance complement the clean-up efforts which the HDC team has been coordinating with various state agencies such as the TT Defence Force, TT Fire Service, CEPEP, regional corporations and other service providers since Saturday October 20 at both housing communities.

A decision was made to temporarily defer monthly payments until the end of December 2018 for residents in Greenvale Park and Oropune Gardens who suffered loss and damage to their properties. However, a request for deferral must be formally made by the affected resident. From January 2019, regular and timely payments are expected to resume. Residents who were not impacted (particularly those who occupy higher units in apartment buildings) are still expected to fulfill their monthly financial commitments.

Since the flood impact, the HDC has visited Greenvale Park with the intention of exploring other engineering solutions to mitigate the effects of heavy rainfall in this community.

It is our hope and expectation that the measures provided by the state and the HDC will assist the residents in their efforts to recover from this damage.